Stephen's Space


ImageLib provides a high-level interface to the NSImage and CoreImage frameworks, allowing for easy image manipulation and modification.

ImageLib Basics

Top-Level Handlers

Handler Description
extractText from theImage Extracts text from an ILImage object. Returns the list of text strings found in the image.
|rotation| of theImage by degrees Rotates an ILImage object clockwise by the specified amount of degrees. degrees must be a real number.
rotate(theImage, degrees) Rotates an ILImage object clockwise by the specified amount of degrees. degrees must be a real number.
classifications for theImage above confidenceThreshold Gets a list of possible classifications for objects in an ILImage object. confidenceThreshold must be a real number representing the minimum confidence level of each returned classification. Returns the classifications as a list of record objects with identifier (text) and confidence (real) fields.
extractPayloads from theImage Gets the payload text of all barcodes, QR codes, etc. in an ILImage object. Returns the payloads as a list of text strings.
countFaces for theImage Returns the integer number of human faces observed in an ILImage object.
Symbol(symbolName, pointSize) Initializes an ILImage script object from the system symbol with the specified name, sized to the specified point size. symbolName must be a text string, and pointSize must be a number. Returns the newly created ILImage object.
createImage from theData Creates an ILImage object from the provided data. theData can be either an AppleScript or Objective-C data object, or a base 64 encoded string. Returns the newly created ILImage object.
imageFromData:theData Creates an ILImage object from the provided data. theData can be either an AppleScript or Objective-C data object, or a base 64 encoded string. Returns the newly created ILImage object.

Script Objects


Wrapper object around NSImage and CoreImage functionality providing easy access to complex operations.

Name Type Description
target text The path or URL of the image file from which the image was loaded or to which it was last saved.
width integer The width of the image in pixels.
height integer The height of the image in pixels.
base64data text The image data encoded as a base64 string.
modified boolean Whether or not the image has been modified since it was loaded or last saved
Instance Handlers
Handler Description
flip over axis Flips the image vertically or horizontally. axis must be one of X_AXIS, Y_AXIS, 0, or 1.
rotate by degrees Rotates the image clockwise by the specified amount of degrees. degrees must be a real number.
extractText() Extracts text from the image. Returns a list of text strings found in the image.
classifications above confidenceThreshold Gets a list of possible classifications for objects in the image. confidenceThreshold must be a real number representing the minimum confidence level of each returned classification. Returns the classifications as a list of record objects with identifier (text) and confidence (real) fields.
extractPayloads() Gets the payload text of all barcodes, QR codes, etc. in the image. Returns the payloads as a list of text strings.
countFaces() Returns the integer number of human faces observed in the image.
save in filePath as fileType Saves the image at the provided file path using the specified file type. If the image was loaded from a local file, filePath defaults to the original file path. fileType must be one of "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp", or "tiff", and it defaults to "png". Returns true if the image was saved successfully, false otherwise.
open Opens the image, accounting for any modifications. Returns true if the image was opened successfully, false otherwise.


Name Value Description
X_AXIS 1 The horizontal axis of an image; the line comprising the bottom edge of the image.
Y_AXIS 0 The vertical axis of the image; the line comprising the left edge of the image.