Stephen's Space

Hello, I'm Stephen Kaplan. I'm an open-source software developer focused on workflow automation, desktop applications, and web development. I actively maintain several projects, including PyXA, macimg, a list of macOS automation resources, various Raycast extensions, and more. Some projects I've contributed to include rumps and the Raycast Utils package. I've also created and published a few node packages myself, and I'm currently working on a few more. In my spare time, I'm developing a few AppleScript libraries. For more information regarding my professional and technical skills, please see my resume or LinkedIn profile. I also have a YouTube channel where I post videos showcasing my projects, and I'm hoping to expand it to include tutorials and other content in the future.

This is my simple, unadorned website. It's hand-coded HTML, because I find the process of writing HTML relaxing. You can find various things here, including my blog, resources, scripts, links, lists, and other artifacts I find interesting. A lot of the content here is related to my interests in UNIX, macOS, programming, and technology in general. However, topics also include personal interests such as internet radio, travel, and foreign languages. I hope you find something interesting here.

Visit my slashes page to learn more about me and my interests.