Stephen's Space

Image Modification


Apply filters and transformations to various image formats, and convert between them. Create new images by specifying their dimensions, colors, and patterns. Operate on selected files or on images in the clipboard.

Filter thumbnail image credit:

Feature Overview


Command Description
Apply Image Filter Apply various filters to the provided images using Apple's CIFilters
Convert Images Convert selected images from their current format to another.
Create New Image Create a new image by selecting the dimensions, color, and pattern.
Flip Images Horizontally Flip selected images horizontally.
Flip Images Vertically Flip selected images vertically.
Optimize Images [Amount] Decrease image file size by reducing complexity.
Pad Images [Amount] [Color] Pad images by the specified number of pixels using the provided color (defaults to white).
Resize Images [Width] [Height] Resize images proportionally by specifying either width or height. Resize images precisely by specifying both parameters.
Rotate Images [Degrees] Rotate images clockwise by the specified amount.
Scale Images [Scale Factor] Scale images proportionally by the specified factor.


Resource Description
Main Repository The main repository for the Pins extension, containing the latest release and all documentation
Placeholders Guide A guide to the placeholders system used in Pins
Development Log Detailed changelog of all updates to Pins


If you have any questions about Image Modification that are not addressed in the documentation, or if you just want to talk, feel free to email